niels juel造句
- In 1677, he led his squadron against the Dano-Norwegian admiral Niels Juel.
- This building was later removed after the construction of Niels Juel's mausoleum.
- Responsibility for the plan was given to Admiral Niels Juel.
- In 1697 a chapel was built for Niels Juel in the church, designed by Ernst Brandenburger.
- "Some families have lost all their belongings, " said Niels Juel, a Red Cross official in Beijing.
- The Niels Juel class corvette KNM Tordenskjold.
- Engelsholm's most famous former owner is Admiral Niels Juel who owned the estate from 1784 until 1786.
- He first married Baroness Hedevig Eleonore Juel, the daughter of Baron Jens Juel and niece of Admiral Niels Juel, in 1683.
- The battle was a major success for admiral Niels Juel and is regarded as the greatest naval victory in Danish naval history.
- After Niels Juel's death in 1697, the king arranged for her to take over his mansion, today known as the French Embassy in Copenhagen.
- It's difficult to see niels juel in a sentence. 用niels juel造句挺难的
- In 1677 the Swedish fleet was almost completely destroyed in the Battle of K鴊e Bay by the Danish fleet under command of Admiral Niels Juel.
- The blockade was initially enforced by the steam-powered 42-gun screw frigate " Niels Juel " and shortly thereafter also by the screw corvette " Dagmar ".
- The last newbuild from Lind?was No . 714 " Niels Juel ", a frigate for the Royal Danish Navy, which was delivered in January 2012.
- In the Swedish war he achieved, along with Niels Juel, a famous victory over the Swedish fleet under the command of Clas Bjelkenstjerna near Moen on 12.
- Niels Juel, with eight surface-to-surface missiles, a surface-to-air missile launcher, a 76 mm gun and four 20 mm guns, will take part in surveillance and patrolling missions.
- Tromp on " Christianus Quintus ", Vice Admiral Jens Rodsten on " Tre L鴙er " and Niels Juel on " Churprindsen " took advantage of the chaos.
- In a 101-5 vote, the Folketing, or parliament, approved sending the Niels Juel corvette that will join NATO's nine-ship force, known as the Standing Naval Force Mediterranean by mid-November.
- In a 101-5 vote, the Folketing, or parliament, approved sending the Niels Juel corvette that will join NATO's nine-ship force, known as the Standing Naval Force Mediterranean, by mid-November.
- The Niels Juel Monument was a gift from a committee in connection with the 200 years'anniversary of the Battle of K鴊e Bay on 1 & ndash; 2 July 1677.
- During the 1991 Gulf War, Denmark sent mobile hospital units to Saudi Arabia and a corvette of the same class as Niels Juel, which patrolled in the Persian Gulf.
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